Become a Sponsor

If you want to help support KCRM-KDNH Catholic Radio of Marshalltown and keep quality Catholic programming on the air, please make your intentions known below, & fill out the form located on the bottom of this page . We will contact you as soon as possible to answer your questions and assist you in any way we can to become a Sponsor of Catholic Radio of Marshalltown.

Please indicate which level of sponsorship you would like in the form below:

  1. $100/month

  2. $75/month

  3. $60/month

You may choose to pay in a lump sum or monthly. (We will bill you monthly, including a paid invoice for your previous donation.)

Sponsorship Rates

$100/month:  You will receive 5(five) 15-second sponsorship mentions per day. (1in AM drive time & 1 in PM drive time, and, 1 at Sunday Mass rebroadcast at 9 PM.)

$75/month: You will receive 3 (three) 15-second sponsorship mentions per day. (1 in drive time and 1 at Sunday Mass rebroadcast at 9 PM.)

$60/month: You will receive 2 (two) 15-second sponsorship mentions per day, (1 in drive time).

For your 15 second sponsorship mentions, please indicate which Verbiage you would like us to broadcast in the form below.

1. “Sponsoring KCRM Catholic Radio is . . . .”

2. “One of KCRM Catholic Radio’s sponsors is . . .”

3. “Proud to support KCRM Catholic Radio is . . .”

    Then indicate below any special wording or slogan in your mention, i.e. “Hy-Vee, where there’s a helpful smile in every aisle.”


We cannot include a “call to action” but we will try to make the mention unique to your business. (A call to action is verbiage prompting another person or more to act. For example, “You can buy our green beans for only fifty cents this week.”)

Because we are a not-for-profit broadcaster (501c.3), KCRM/KDNH may not charge you for any product advertising involving a “call to action.”  However, sponsors are given 15 second mentions as listed above as a gift from us to thank you for your sponsorship donation.

If you are serious about becoming a Sponsor, the best way to contact me about being a Catholic Radio of Marshalltown Sponsor is:

Please complete the form below with your level of sponsorship and we will reach out to you shortly.